Also Known As: Statice, Sea-lavender
Botanical Name: Limonium spp.
Pronunciation: li-MON-ee-um
Family Name: Plumbaginaceae (plumbago or leadwort)
Origin: Europe, eastern Asia
Common Relatives: Armeria, Ceratostigma
Introduction: From Europe and eastern Asia comes this semi-woody perennial with its petite white, lavender and pink flowers in branching, airy blooms that can last up to 14 days. Its botanical name is taken from the Greek word for Leimon, meaning "a meadow," in reference to the plant's original habitat. Hung upside down in bunches, limonium makes a dried flower that lasts for years, rendering some of its meanings quite appropriate: never-ceasing and remembrance.
Interesting Facts:
Flower Color: white, lavender, pink
Fragrance: none, some species have offensive odor
Decorative Life: 4-8 days, up to 14 days
Special Care Tips: Remove bottom leaves if present, recut stems under water and place into a fresh flower food solution.
Ethylene Sensitivity: slight