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The Rosie arrangement is a beautiful gift for any occasion. It features a dozen roses of different colors, arranged in a clear glass vase with a diamond pattern. The vase is 6.5 inches high and has a classic shape. The roses are complemented by baby's breath, creating a contrast of textures and colors. The arrangement is 14 inches high and 12 inches wide, and it can be displayed from any angle. The Rosie arrangement is a stunning way to express your feelings and brighten someone's day. 14 inchH x 12 inch W (Rose colors will vary)

Rosie • $46.99

The Rosie arrangement is a beautiful gift for any occasion. It features a dozen roses of different colors, arranged in a clear glass vase with a diamond pattern. The vase is 6.5 inches high and has a classic shape. The roses are complemented by baby's breath, creating a contrast of textures and colors. The arrangement is 14 inches high and 12 inches wide, and it can be displayed from any angle. The Rosie arrangement is a stunning way to express your feelings and brighten someone's day. 14"H x 12" W (Rose colors will vary) Item #3834.